Daily Auction

There is a daily auction lobby in which users bid USDT for their share of the daily pool of WHEAT tokens! Each day's auction period ends at 8pm GMT. Every day, each USDT contributed buys an equal amount of WHEAT.

The team will be contributing $36,000 USDC to the first 16 days of auction lobbies!

The number of WHEAT tokens available in the auction lobby decreases by 1% each day:

WHEAT auction lobby receipts can be boosted by Field NFT staking! The boost amounts are additional and not deducted from the daily total.

The daily number of tokens and rate of decrease can be reset by admin functions.

Of the USDT entered into the daily auction lobbies, 2% is initially taken out for the King of the Farm competition. The rest is distributed according to the following formula:

  • 90% to WHEAT Staking

  • 5% to Dev/Infrastructure

  • 5% to Stable NFT Staking Pool


Last updated