Minting (Barn)

Expand Your Farm: Mint Farmer, Land, Tool, and Minotaur NFTs in the Barn!

  • Farmers, Land, and Tools cost only WHEAT and/or gas to mint

  • Minotaurs cost NFTs: the other NFT types must be sacrificed in order to mint them

  • The Minotaur minting cost starts at 7 NFTs and increases by 1 NFT every 50 mints

FarmerLand NFT Set Info


Set Size: 3,566 (2,001 +1565 minted in v1)

Price: ~$90 in ETH + 0 WHEAT


Set Size: 2,132 (1,700 +432 minted in v1)

Price: ~$50 in ETH + 40 WHEAT


Set Size: 2,032 (1,500 +532 minted in v1)

Price: ~$10 in ETH + 80 WHEAT


Set Size: 1,000 (580 paid +420 preminted; see Airdrop Event)

Price: 7 Farmer, Land, or Tool NFTs (increases by 1 NFT every 50 mints)

Starting Stat Values

Each FarmerLand NFT has one intrinsic Stat: Ability, Fertility, Quality, and Wisdom for Farmers, Land, Tools, and Minotaurs, respectively. The Stat value can be increased by Training in the Toolshed!

The starting Stat value is based on a percent chance upon minting. Note that Minotaurs have higher starting stats, and therefore a higher power level, than Farmers, Land, or Tools.

* The "Honorary" Category applies only to complimentary NFTs given during the Farmer Claim Event! All paid mints have a Poor, Medium, Good, or Legendary starting stat.


Last updated